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Dear TEESMAT Community,


We are pleased to announce the TEESMAT Winter School organized for January 10-14, 2022.



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10-14 JANUARY 2022

ESRF and CEA will co-host the TEESMAT Winter School. It will be a hybrid event, while in-person attendance will occur at ESRF premises, Grenoble, France.

Students and scientists/engineers from industry and academia interested in characterization technologies for advanced electrochemical energy storage are welcome to this five-day school.

The first two days involve plenaries, lectures and round table discussions related to Li-ion batteries (including solid-state), fuel cells, redox flow systems and supercapacitors. The application of the TEESMAT technology platform on selected user cases will also be presented.  The following two days aim to train interested attendees on specific characterization technologies such as RAMAN, NMR, XPS, EIS, GD-OES and many more.

Training will also involve hands-on experience on some of the characterization techniques. The school will allow students, scientists, and professionals from the academic and non-academic sectors to meet each other and take advantage of the multidisciplinary expertise presented in the covered topics.

The school will be free of charge, but accommodation costs need to be covered by the attendees.

Due to the restrictions related with the sanitary crisis, only a limited number of places is available on-site. The places will be assigned on the first arrived and first served base. A possibility to participate remotely to a selection of lectures will be offered to the registered students that would not have the possibility to join in presence.

TEESMAT Winter School program

If you are interested in participating, register no later than 
January 3, 2022. 










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TEESMAT is an EU project that has received funding from the H2020, under Grant Agreement n 814106 (H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2018).