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TEESMAT - Open Innovation Test Bed for Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials

WEBINAR - Photovoltaics: secure and make your installations more reliable


WEBINAR – Photovoltaics: secure and make your installations more reliable

03 MAR 2022 – 11:00-12:30 CET

During this webinar, SERMA Technologies, thanks to its experience in its approach in reliability, Health Monitoring, Prognostic & Health management (HM/PHM) and security in various themes (components, boards, electronic systems, batteries, chips …), brings you its solutions and working methods in the field of solar energy through different experiences.

The event will also focus on material characterisation and a Q&A session will be held at the end of this event.

The webinar is held in French but the slides will be provided in English. 

You can find more information about the programme HERE