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It took Tesla just 168 working days to go from permits to a finished plant


It took Tesla just 168 working days to go from permits to a finished plant

In October, the State Grid Corp. of China opened the first transmission line to bring power to the TESLA’s Gigafactory. The government-run Xinhua News Agency reported that it had taken Tesla just 168 working days, about six months, to go from permits to hooking up the electricity to the brand new plant. “This is quite fast, even by Chinese standards,” says Ivan Su, an analyst at Morningstar Inc. Musk has predicted that his company will be producing at least 1,000 cars a week in Shanghai by the end of the year, a volume the company’s original factory in California spent months trying to hit. On Oct. 23, Tesla said it had begun producing « full vehicles on a trail basis.”

Read the full article on Bloomberg Business Here