TEESMAT podcast

Welcome to this podcast brought to you by TEESMAT, a project funded by the EU 2020 Horizon programme.
In this podcast we explored the world of batteries, the advanced materials characterisation techniques and how the goal of the European Green deal is translated into projects and actions that aim to develop a strong European battery industry.
The TEESMAT podcast collects three episode focused on:
- Building a betetr battery industry in Europe
- Successfull caracherisation techniques
- Commericialisation
You can listen to the TEESMAT podcast series on:
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5cIbGjwzWjlpLJ0fUnIEE1
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/teesmat
Energy is one of the keystones of prosperity in the European Union. Access to advanced characterisation solutions enables industry to apply a knowledge-based approach, which is essential to accelerate innovation and reduce the cost of technologies.
Battery energy storage plays a major role in the ongoing transition to a decarbonised and clean energy system. The development of a competitive battery value chain in Europe is one of the top priorities of the European Commission.
TEESMAT – the Open Innovation Test Bed for Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials – brings a comprehensive response to the critical bottlenecks faced by EU stakeholders in the field of electrochemical energy storage materials. It leverages EU know-how & expertise from 11 countries and facilitates access to physical facilities, usable data, and industrially relevant services based on novel characterisation solutions.
The main impact of TEESMAT lays in setting up & implementing a financially sustainable Open Innovation Test Bed whose techniques and services address diverse problems faced in the development of clean, safe, high-performance battery solution.
Be part of TEESMAT community. W: www.teesmat.eu | T: @Teesmat_EU | In : TEESMAT
TEESMAT is an EU project that has received funding from the H2020, under Grant Agreement n 814106 (H2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2018).